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Annealed Glass

Annealed glass refers to standard float glass that has undergone a specific heat treatment process called annealing. Annealing involves heating the glass to a high temperature and then slowly cooling it, typically in a controlled environment such called a lehr. This process helps relieve internal stresses within the glass, making it more durable and less prone to breakage.

When glass is produced, it undergoes rapid cooling, which can result in internal stresses that make the glass brittle and susceptible to breaking. Annealing eliminates these stresses by allowing the glass to cool gradually, which helps in achieving a more uniform and stable structure.

Annealed glass is commonly used in various applications, such as windows, doors, and other architectural elements. While it is more stable than non-annealed glass, it is not as strong or resistant to breakage as tempered or laminated glass. If annealed glass breaks, it tends to shatter into sharp pieces, posing a potential safety hazard. Due to this, for certain applications where safety is a concern, tempered or laminated glass may be preferred.

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